i haven't really looked at the NCTE book, but i'm glad you (and it) brought up the idea of minimalism. i actually think this could be a problematic concept for our students, especially since most writing instruction involves adding verbage, not minimizing it.
this story in particular could serve many lessons well. minimalism, foreshadowing, socioeconomic issues...
i really enjoyed reading carver; it was my first time. i was struck by the overwhelming feeling of loss. and, i admit, the story struck me to the core in a way that it might not for students unless they've experienced a great loss. all i could think about was how it felt when my son was in the hospital, before any prognosis could be given. i identified with all those strange feelings that ann and howard go through: wanting to reach out and share with strangers, spending time debating the logic (or lack thereof) of whether going home might help scotty to wake up.
whew...okay. so i agree we should focus lessons or a greater unit on minimalism. but what is the greater question guiding our unit on carver? what's the theme that would unite this story with any other texts we decide to bring into the lessons?